Intake Air Connector Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Intake Air Connector Sub-Assembly (#17805-51011), a pivotal component within the Air Cleaner system, has the primary role of channeling clean, filtered air into the engine for combustion. Operating within the Engine-Fuel category, this part helps in maximizing engine efficiency by ensuring the optimal air-fuel mixture required for combustion. Its related components, such as the air filter, work together to limit the entry of any contaminants into the engine. Over time though, this connector can get clogged or damaged, impeding the flow of air, which leads to reduced engine efficiency and increased fuel consumption. Hence, periodic replacement of this part is necessary. Using genuine Toyota parts can aid in maintaining vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, the Intake Air Connector Sub-Assembly (#17805-51011) plays a crucial role in maintaining the engine's operational efficiency and overall vehicle safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17805-51011